Saturday, December 13, 2008
Our Island for the next month

Monday, December 1, 2008
Christmas is coming to Rarotonga.

The supermarket just off the main drive has a good show of goods for sale, especially for those who are celebrating big family reunions.

St. Joseph's Cathedral is the largest of the many churches on the island, of which there are a great many. Some services are in the Maori tongue and some are in English, as all islanders are fully bi-lingual.

The Christmas manger scene is usually errected during the second week of December and made from local materials, mainly plaited palm fronds. The floral decorations are changed every day by local parisioners. I have been told that there is very strong competition among the ladies to be part of the daily redecorating team.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Some interesting factors of the Cooks.

Not with the looks of 10 Downing Street, but it is still a hive of activity in governing the Cook Islands.

Right next door to the Prime Minister is the Office of the Minister for Island Administration. No need for a car, he can walk across the yard to the PM's office.

Friday, November 14, 2008
I'm a Senior Chav!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Cook Island Black Pearls

In 1982 research began into the possibility of creating a similar cultured-pearl industry in the Cook Islands. The first commercial farms were set up on Manihiki atoll in 1989 and over two million cultured oysters are presently held there. By 1994 the Manihiki lagoon was thought to be approaching its maximum sustainable holding capacity and farms began to be established on Penrhyn atoll. Hundreds of thousands of oysters are presently held at the various farms, and the Penrhyn hatchery is constantly producing more.
To establish a farm, an investment of NZ$6,000 is required, and no return will be forthcoming for five years. Yes, that is correct it takes at least five years for a mature Oyster to develop from the hatchery to mature Oyster. There are currently over 30 farms with just 20 percent of them accounting for 80 percent of the oysters. The oysters are seeded once or twice a year by Chinese workers, and it takes 18 months to two years for the pearl to develop. Of course the Oyster is about three years old before it is big enough to be seeded. All harvested pearls are inspected by the Cook Island government inspectors.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Sunday in the Cook Islands

This lady happens to be favourite housekeeper at Muri Beach, seen here with her grandson. Seen here in front of the church after the service. Take note that one of the Sunday services are held at 5:00 a.m. in the morning. This is so that those who work in the hotels and restaurants, before having to go to work.

Here you can see members of the Church Ladies Guild leaving the church to cross the road to prepare and serve a Sunday lunch for those in the congregation who would like to share in a Pot-luck-lunch. Note that every lady wears a hat. These hats are all homemade, and are in many cases decorated each Sunday with fresh flowers.

This flower grows wild in the hedgerows and in the island jungle and is called the "Bird of Paradise Flower" Like the hibiscus of which I am told there are some 37 varieties in the Cook Islands.

This has to be one of the most exotic flowers on the island grows in ponds, and that is the Lotus which is also native here as well.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Market Day, Flowers & Fruit.

These local flowers you can find all over the island, local blooms which were growing wild and are now cultivated.

This time of the year of Christmas and New Year family graves are covered with fresh flowers every day.

This stall the specialty is the famous local "BLACK PEARLS", which are cultivated here within the Cook Islands.
Here is a view of one of the many small Banana Plantations. After the harvest has taken place, the plant is cut down and a new shoot is selected to grow in its place. Harvesting takes place about every nine months. Different Banana patches are due to fruit at on a regular basis to ensure year round cropping.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Island Night is something to see.
At the International airport, just before Christmas a lot of arriving flights are welcomed in true island tradition, with drums and dancers. Most Islanders, that live in New Zealand or Australia try and get home for the family reunions. You can see that by the time the aircraft has parked the dancers are out on the tarmac doing a traditional dance of welcome.

Most of the larger resorts and restraunts for one night of the week, put on with the evening meal an Island night of Maori dancing and drum music. These people are at their happiest when they are dancing and singing. They are very proud of their culture, and it is taught in the schools as part of the carriculum. The greeting in the local dialect is translated into English for the benefit of the visitors.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Muri Beachcomber and Muri Lagoon

This is one of the three island that are within the lagoon itself, you can paddle out to them, but no one actualy lives on them.

Another view of the lagoon and its crystal clear waters, just ideal for the snorkel enthusiast to observe the fish at play.

Here is a closeup photograph of the surf breaking on the coral reef. The roar of which carries right to the shore and lulls you to sleep at night.

In this final picture you see people Kite Surfing. You can also rent wind surfing equipment or small sailing dingys. Very seldom is there no breeze at all.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Rarotonga International Airport.

This is the Departures part of the Airport Terminal. The Arrivals part of the terminal is down in the distance in this picture. Before you leave the island you are required to pay a Departure Tax at the local WestPac bank, and they will give you a receipt which you hand in when you check in at the Departures counter.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Our Island in the Sun.

Southern Group: Aitutaki, Atiu, Mangaia, Manuae, Mauke, Mitiaro, Palmerston, Rarotonga,-- the capital island, and Takutea.
Manihiki, Nassau, Tongareva, (Penrhyn), also known as Mangarongaro, Pukapuka, Rakahanga, Suwarrow.
Rarotonga, is 32 kilometres or 19.88 miles around. You can get anywhere on the coastline by a local bus service, which travels in both directions. You just have to remember in which direction you want to travel as, one bus is called "CLOCKWISE" and the other one is called "ANTICLOCKWISE." Or if you want to be independant, then you can either rent a Scooter or a Car. British driving regulations are in force, so you drive on the lefthand side of the road. Speed limits on the roads are strictly enforced. You have to obtain a local drivers license from the police station in Avarua, the capital town. Scooter riders have to pass a short drivers test. The cost of the license is $10.00 NZ.