The Cook Islands and in particular the island of Rarotonga are very religous with a great many church's of varying faiths dotted around the island. Above is one such church that is just down the road from the Muri Lagoon.
Here above is a Sunday service in full swing, With a mixed choir singing hymns in the Maori language. Though some services are held in English for the visitors.

This lady happens to be favourite housekeeper at Muri Beach, seen here with her grandson. Seen here in front of the church after the service. Take note that one of the Sunday services are held at 5:00 a.m. in the morning. This is so that those who work in the hotels and restaurants, before having to go to work.

Here you can see members of the Church Ladies Guild leaving the church to cross the road to prepare and serve a Sunday lunch for those in the congregation who would like to share in a Pot-luck-lunch. Note that every lady wears a hat. These hats are all homemade, and are in many cases decorated each Sunday with fresh flowers.

This flower grows wild in the hedgerows and in the island jungle and is called the "Bird of Paradise Flower" Like the hibiscus of which I am told there are some 37 varieties in the Cook Islands.

This has to be one of the most exotic flowers on the island grows in ponds, and that is the Lotus which is also native here as well.